Wednesday, April 18, 2012

(14) "Digital Learning" Panel

I thought this article was relevant and important to us as future educators because it shows the transition schools are making towards a more technological focused classroom.  This movement to have a board dedicated to the digital educational world is a great way to step up the standards for teachers as well as develop a schools pedagogy further.  I truly believe that teachers need to be educated on how to incorporate technology but also how to make it meaningful for the students.  Too often, we see the over use of PowerPoint while meaningful instruction lacks.   
            Although I think this is a great movement for the world of technology, I think that the process needs to be amplified in order to make a true difference in the world of education.  Two days dedicated to discussion is not enough to tackle the extensive options for classroom teachers to incorporate technology.  Further,  I think that we as educators forget that technology is not only defined by iPads in the classroom and can be used to a students advantage if teachers are simply educated in how to properly integrate technology in order to make a difference.  More importantly, like mentioned in the article, how can technology become a huge part of educational life if the students do not have access outside of school.  How can we as educators tend to that issue?  How can we keep up with the changing world’s job market and demands without incorporating these trends in schools? How can school districts motivate their teachers, more specifically their seasoned teachers, to learn about technology and the incorporation into the classroom?  

1 comment:

  1. You pose some thought provoking questions. We also cannot assume that all students have equal knowledge about computers and how to use them well. The majority of us are in the Digital Age at the moment, but there are still some who are not able to afford computers or other high tech devices. That means that some students have an unfair advantage over others.
    For the teachers, you are correct, one or two sessions about technology isn't enough to help teachers properly integrate technology in the classroom. We need more direction and we need time to experiment with the technologies to make sure they will provide a better education to our students instead of hindering it by wasting time or complicating a lesson.
