Saturday, April 7, 2012

(9) Interactivity #5

Lesson Plan Analysis Map
(with NETS-S Standards)

I interviewed a 9th grade English teacher from Hackensack School District concerning the National Educational Technology Standards.  I emailed her the question to be answered as well as the link to the standards in case she was unfamiliar with them.  Based upon her answers and reaction to the standards, I could tell that she was unfamiliar with the technology standards.  It was clear that her school had not yet implemented them into their lesson planning as well as their training.  My teacher was in disbelief that there were national standards dealing with technology that she was unaware of.  It also stuck me as odd that schools are not incorporating these ideals into their planning because they are so incredibly crucial to the learning processes in today’s classroom.  However, she was some what relieved when she looked at the individual standards because she and her peers have inadvertently had reached these standards with the basic knowledge of technology incorporation. 
            My teacher made it seem that the standards would have been implemented by each department head and was unsure if other departments have incorporated these in their planning.  Although her school had not yet required these standards, Hackensack has begun to take an initiative to use technology as a founding tool in the classroom.  Starting this past year, every classroom has a Smartboards installed and the school district has offered training sessions for teachers.  The school has several computer labs for classes to use.  Most importantly, the teachers are encouraged to utilize the opportunity of technology for assignments. 
            I wasn’t really surprised by my teachers answers because the introduction of the NETS standards were new to me as well.  I figured that most schools have begun to adopt these types of initiatives in their classrooms without even realizing the established standards.  Also, because I was a student at Hackensack High School, I was fairly familiar with technology use within the school.  I was impressed that the school has installed Smartboards in every classroom. My teacher shared that although the faculty was trained to use the boards, it was not a hands on experience and therefore was not as beneficial and informative as it could have been for teachers to truly step outside the box and integrate the technology.  I felt that in order to begin to take advantage of these investments, the faculty needs to be very familiar with them as well as required to use the technology through a specific and involved means. 
            As a future educator, I would make sure to share my knowledge of these standards with my co-workers.  I would encourage teachers to familiarize themselves with the standards because the world of education is surely moving in the technological direction.  It will also be helpful for my peers to be able to understand how students and teachers can begin to use technology in their curriculum.  I also believe even if not required, these standards are a great way to reach and relate to our students. 

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    I completely agree with you. Current and future teachers need to be familiar with these standards if they are planning to continue teaching. The educational world is becoming more technological. I am shocked that some districts still do not use this. The teacher I interviewed had an idea about them but was not completely familiar with them. It just goes to show that the schools really need to step it up and encourage teachers to attend professional workshops and such to gain knowledge of these standards and newer ways of teaching. I found it interesting that the teacher you interviewed uses technologies in the classroom but is still not using these standards. I feel that these two things go hand and hand. It is up to us to share our knowledge with our coworkers and encourage them to begin implementing these standards. I'm glad we are on the same page.
