Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(1) Interactivity #1

My Three Techonlogies:

1) cell phone
2) email
3) iPad

The integration of technology in my life has radically changed the way I now learn information.  With the use of my three technologies, I’ve seen that the biggest and most important change is within the idea of accessibility.  I am constantly connected.  To only name a few, I am always with a dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, and maps.  Whenever I encounter an idea, concept, word, or name that I am not familiar with I am able to immediately research to find the answer.  My phone allows me to integrate the unknown into the learned aspect of my brain quickly and easily.  Not only does my attachment to technology allow me to seek out answers to the unknown but it has also taught me skills.  I recently bought a new computer and made the drastic switch from a PC to a Mac.  As anyone knows, this kind of drastic change comes along with a whole new set of keyboard shortcuts, new programs, new layouts which I had never had experience with.  By having access to the Internet, I was able to connect to question boards, YouTube videos, blogs, and have access to explanations from people who all were learning like me and also from experts who were able to “dummy down” the explanations.  
Learning becomes much more accessible and allows people to take the process of learning in their own hands.  This process not only allots for more knowledge to be exchanged but also encourages learners to feel a connection with their knowledge.  While the benefits of this capability are obvious, there are still downfalls to the ease of the Internet and technology.  Laziness can be symptomatic of the Internet’s availability.  Because the information is so readily available, many people become passive in readings or classes because they know that worst case, the information is only a short Google search away.  With a little research, the answer will be able to give them a shortened and simplified definition that may not withhold the same value that a teacher would. 
Olivia displayed an ability to be extremely resourceful with her need and want to be around technology.  Even without having a computer, she was able to teach herself where to get access, how to use it, and developed advanced skills in an aspect of the internet that meant a lot to her; MySpace.  I find those same characteristics within myself.  If need comes around for me to find access or need to teach myself something that truly interests me, I find a way.  The Internet allows us to rely on ourselves for our education like displayed by the students in the second video.   The one student explained how by trial and error he is teaching himself the different music programs available on the computer.  I had the same type of experience but with the Photoshop program.  By looking up tutorials and of course trial and error, I have begun to develop a basic understanding of a rather difficult program.  Another student talked about using her phone as way to photograph, email, and post photos for projects with school.  Again, like her I have been able to sync my life to my technological devices and avoid the separation of having documents at home, school, and my flash drive.  Now, everything is accessible no matter where I am. 
I can almost call my relationship with technology an addiction because it has revolutionized the way that I operate as a student and future teacher.  I am able to explore options of learning and teaching that were never possible.  Further, technology has become a universal language that all people use to learn.  It’s a commonplace that all types of learners can benefit from.  It allows students like Olivia and myself to reach beyond the constraints of the classroom and learn a different skill or interest while promoting the concept of motivated learning. 


  1. Hello Katie,

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading what you had to say in regards to how technology has changed our lives. I found myself recalling times in which I used youtube to help me learn something as simple as how to tie a tie. I think that these sites will prove to be extremely beneficial to our students and youth all over the world in learning. I see it even now in my younger sister who is a freshman in high school. She is constantly on her computer at home. When I ask her what she is doing, she tells me she is on youtube watching a video blog, learning how to do different hair styles, and skin care tips. She is extremely savvy, and I anticipate my students being similar to her.

    I would like to know however, how we are going to deter the students from being lazy with their learning. I think that you brought up a great point on how students try to take the easy way out. How are we going to get the students interested enough in what we are teaching them, where they will actually want to pay attention in class and not merely "look it up later"?

  2. Katie, is interesting that "the most influential" technologies you chose are all fairly recent. Given this, I'd like you to think more deeply about the potential negative influences of each of the 3 technologies you identified. (There is danger in focusing more on the positive impact at the expense of acknowledging the trade-offs). "Laziness" is vague and I'm interested in you unpacking that concept. It's also not very clear how you compare/contrast your own experiences with that of the young people in the videos. Hope this feedback helps you with future blogposts.

  3. Katie,
    I completely related to your struggle with changing from a PC to Mac as I have just done so roughly 8 months ago. The struggle is interesting because as I consider myself knowledgable with certain aspects to both a PC and Mac , I felt like a pure fool trying to comprehend something that is similar but totally new and fresh. I truly enjoyed your post because it invited me to thinking of many of the same problems that we will have as technology expands into the classroom. I wondered to myself how I would be able to push forward the idea to students that despite Google being so prominent in our lives, we cannot rely on it so heavily and think of it as a crutch. It is amazing to be connected and be able to research and familiarize ourselves in a blink of an eye with something but that cannot be our sole concrete way to educate ourselves. I feel that it will foster a bad reliance on technology by the future of students we hope to educate. I do think you are right in suggesting laziness as a symptom of the internet but I feel we will have to inspire students to think outside their PC or Mac's attributes and availabilities and hope they delve into their work deeper the same traditional way we were taught to learn.
